Podbud is an educational tool system used by elementary school teachers and students from kindergarten to 2nd grade. Podbud aims to provide a personalized learning experience within the classroom by using artificial intelligence to analyze students’ performance and generate learning content corresponding to their level.
The Problem:
Elementary school teachers are required to juggle multiple tasks while overseeing an average classroom size of 24 students. The overwhelming amount of responsibilities makes it difficult for teachers to give quality one-on-one instruction time to students. The generalized learning experience negatively impacts each students’ engagement levels.
Our hypothesis:
Teachers spend a significant amount of time manually documenting students’ academic and behavioral performance, taking away time to understand and tend each individual’s needs. Using AI within the classroom to track student performance and generate personalized learning content would lighten a teacher’s workload and increase student engagement.
Designed in collaboration with Charlene Joy Dela Cruz and Chia-Han Hsiao. We collaborated on most of the process of this project but I also had the role of developing the product itself.